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Доклад на тему «Новый подход к проблеме детского аутизма»

27 апреля 2017 года на 17-й межрегиональной молодежной научной конференции студентка Сыктывкарского государственного университета, Юлия Штанько, представила доклад на тему «Новый подход к проблеме детского аутизма», написанный по материалам тренингов «Системно-векторная психология» Юрия Бурлана. Сама статья была включена в сборник конференции в секции «Иностранный язык (английский)». Ниже вы можете ознакомиться с содержанием доклада...


Shtanko Yu. M.
Academic advisor: Milaeva T. V.
(Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University)

The number of unusual, special children who are diagnosed with early childhood autism or autism spectrum disorder is increasing year by year. In 2000 it was believed that 5 to 26 children for every 10,000 were affected by early childhood autism. In 2008 the World Autism Organization revealed far more weighty figures: 1 child suffering from early childhood autism for every 150 children. In 2014 the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention provided data that 1 in 68 children in America has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or early childhood autism. There are no official statistics available on the number of children with early childhood autism in our country. Yet parents and teachers who have encountered this problem know that on average for every class of children today there is at least 1 child with some form of early childhood autism. This "pandemic" requires us to have accurate knowledge of the timely diagnosis of the problem, to identify the causes of the child's developmental disorders, and to choose the optimal forms of corrective actions. In fact, no figures are 100% reliable, since different organizations conduct research on nonsystematic samples. In other words, they do not take into account the psychological type and proneness to autism, i.e. their samples are not complete. Therefore, in order to gain a deeper understanding of this topic, I would like to present to your attention one new and very effective application of knowledge that, among other things, gives a complete understanding of all the psychological subtleties of even such a complex phenomenon as autism. It is about the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, which has existed for 15 years, 8 of which - in the format of online lectures. By the way, over the past 4 years alone, more than 19000 positive feedbacks have been collected from the listeners, including doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists who applied this knowledge in their practice and achieved great positive dynamics in their work, in particular, in the treatment of early childhood Autism, and also deep positive correction of behavior in people of a later age who have this diagnosis. So, what is autism? A mental health condition, a mental development disorder, a painful state of the psyche characterized by such signs as:

  • a pronounced lack of social interaction and communication, self-absorption, the desire to avoid contact with the outside world (including visual and verbal contact),

  • limited interests,

  • the same repetitive actions, speech and motor disorders, etc.

It should be noted that at present there are no medical tests to diagnose autism. Diagnosis is made only by observing the child's behavior. Different levels of autism are distinguished, i.e. mild autism, severe autism, congenital autism. According to the World Health Organization, autism affects people all over the world, regardless of gender, race, or social and economic status. It is believed that it is impossible to cure autism. At the same time, its early diagnosis and right corrective measures give good results. Consequently, autistic people can become programmers, artists, musicians, mathematicians. For example, the Google Corporation even recruits employees diagnosed with autism. However, mankind does not stand still. It is constantly evolving, and new discoveries lead to the revision of our established views. Causes of early childhood autism. This phenomenon of a pervasive developmental childhood disorder is scientifically explanained by the System Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. It states that the risk of developing early childhood autism exists only for children who have suffered a mental trauma in the development of the dominant vector of the human psyche, i.e. the audial vector. All people are born different, and they are endowed by nature with certain psychic properties, which are called vectors. They are not passed on from parents to children. The System Vector Psychology identifies 8 vectors. The life of a particular person depends on the combination of these vectors, their level of development and realization. People with the audial vector are natural introverts focused on their thoughts and inner states. An ear is an especially sensitive zone of such people. Any serious stressful influence on their main sensor can cause a mental trauma to such children. For example:

  • loud music;

  • scandals, screams, loud conversations;

  • offensive meanings in adults' speech.

Новый подход к проблеме детского аутизма картинка

The risk of developing early childhood autism occurs even when the negative impact is not focused on the child directly, but simply happens in their presence. As a result, the sensitive ear of the audial person starts to react painfully even to the typical household noises (such as a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a bathroom flush, utensils clinking and clanking). The child wants to close the ears and hide from the source of stress. If the psyche cannot get rid of the stimulus, it adapts to it, reducing its negative impact on itself. So, gradually the child breaks the ties between the inner and outer world not only at the psychological level, but also at the physiological level. The abilities to hear, to feel external stimuli, to react adequately to external changes are lost. Early infantile autism is formed as a loss of the ability to maintain productive interaction with the outer world. The audial vector can get traumatised as early as during the intrauterine period of the baby's development. For example, if the mother of the audial child-to-be visits noisy discos, construction sites, or takes part in noisy scandals. These are the real roots of the so-called "congenital autism". Autism is not inherited, it is not an inborn disease. Autism is an acquired medical condition. A child without the audial vector will never develop autism, regardless of the impact of external noises on them. It is no secret that every child needs their own approach. The child with the audial vector is endowed by nature with a sensitive, even hypersensitive hearing. They establish a connection with the world when listening to it. Natural introverts aimed at understanding the deepest meanings of life, such children need silence, tranquility, and an inner feeling of the security of the external world. People with the audial vector are potential geniuses, but only if their parents raise and develop them in accordance with their innate properties. It is very important to understand that being withdrawn and deeply introverted is the normal innate state of the psyche of an audial child. Only when it begins to acquire pathological signs that transform from the reluctance to inability to communicate, only at this stagecan we talk about the development of autism. It is very important to understand the nature of the audial vector and to create the right environment for the development of the audial child, so that their natural features do not develop into autism. Audial ecology in the upbringing of a child with early childhood autism. Since early childhood autism is formed as a result of an audial trauma, the most important condition for the upbringing of such children is audial ecology. It is recommended to talk to the child and in his/her presence only in a calm, low voice. Classical music is prefered and it should create a barely audible background. It is necessary to protect the child from the noise of household appliances as much as possible. If the child's perception of speech is difficult, one should use simplified phrases, pronouncing them quietly, clearly and distinctly. Autism at an early age can be accompanied by a variety of behavioral disorders. Depending on the child's innate set of vectors, it is required to use a differentiated approach to corrective methods and forms of upbringing of an autistic child. These approaches are well developed in the System Vector Psychology and have demonstrated very good results. The psychological state of the mother is of particular importance. At an early age the child perceives it unconsciously. If a mother has unconscious psychotraumas, is tense and anxious, the child's development is seriously damaged. Based on the knowledge of the System Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, it is possible not only to prevent the occurrence of psychogenic autism, but also to promote the maximum adaptation of an autistic child.

Ссылка на сборник конференции: https://www.ugtu.net/sites/default/files/conference/kod_2017_ch.1.pdf (стр 252).

Автор публикации: Юлия Штанько, студентка СГУ им. Питирима Сорокина
Статья написана по материалам тренинга «Системно-векторная психология»

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